Bailey’s Client Reviews

“This was a kind, thoughtful, impactful talk by a trainer who’s walked the walk. Bailey’s ideas and examples were helpful and free of judgement, with lots of simple ideas to improve the quality of life for both human and canine.” – Sara R, reviewing the Accessible Paws Seminar with Bailey Stickney

“This was such a great presentation! Bailey’s speaking voice is lovely and her pacing is perfect – fast enough to keep my ADHD brain engaged, but slow enough to allow for note-taking and questions. Her video examples were clear and helpful, and I picked up some brilliant new tips that I’ll be using (for example, an under-the-door draft guard will be traveling with us to hotels in the future – so smart)! This was an information-packed, realistic, authentic presentation about living with noisy dogs. Thank you!” – Sara R. and their sport mutt The Morrigan, reviewing the Breaking Up The Bark Brigade seminar with Bailey Stickney